Closing Interview Questions

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How to close interviews with candidates?

Job interviews help you explain your open positions and assess candidates’ skills. But, before concluding the interviews, make sure you:

  • Check candidates’ interest in the role and the company.
  • Check if candidates have a sound understanding of the role’s requirements.
  • Discuss and resolve issues you might have not previously discussed (like salary expectations)

Also, give candidates sufficient time to ask their questions. Don’t forget to thank candidates for their time and share the further steps (like when to expect a call from you.)

Closing interview questions to candidates

  • Do you have any questions for us? (like about the role or our company)
  • Does this job role align with your expectations, depending on the Job Description?
  • Why do you think you would be a great fit for the position?
  • What is your notice period in your current company?
  • Share your salary expectations.
  • Depending on the interview, if you were hired, how would you describe your new role?

Tips for choosing the best closing interview questions

  • End your interviews with specific closing questions to get a better understanding of candidates’ intentions and make better hiring decisions. Ask questions to find out if candidates are a culture fit.
  • Ending interviews on a positive note allows you to create a good candidate experience. Avoid asking tricky interview question in the end. Instead, discuss job logistical matters (like notice period of the candidate) and job responsibilities.
  • Whether you shortlist a candidate for the next round of interview or not, make sure you listen to them. At the end of each interview, always allow candidates to ask their questions.

Red Flags

  • Unpredictable behavior: It is common for candidates to be nervous at the starting of the interview and eventually feel more comfortable. But, if you notice major changes in their attitude, it is a sign they may not be honest, or they are not looking for a job.
  • Different expectations from the role or the company: If you and the candidates have different requirements and there is no midway, they are not an ideal fit for the role.
  • Signs of rushing: A candidate who can’t wait for the interview to finish and doesn’t have any follow up questions for you might not be interested in the position. Pay attention to signs of disinterest during the interview: do they seem disinterested or bored with something you mentioned? Were they looking here and there or checking time during the interview?

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