Account Director Interview Questions

Are you looking to hire an Account Director? These sample interview questions for the post of Account Director will help you identify the candidate who possesses both account management and leadership skills.  

Account Director Interview Questions

The job of an Account Director comes with ample of duties and responsibilities. An individual is accountable to answer all the questions he takes regarding planning and losses that an organization faces. While hiring such candidates, make sure they are goal-oriented and have a great potential to lead a team.

Have a look at the interview questions listed below so that your recruitment doesn’t go wrong. With this, you can easily judge whether the employee can meet your organizational needs or not.

Operational and situational questions

  • How will you lead the team members who are not performing as expected?
  • How do you manage to work with the senior managers to create new accounts?
  • What strategies or skills do you use to push the agency and clients?
  • If you are assigned a challenging project that will lead to your agency’s growth. How will you perform and overcome the hurdles that come your way?
  • How do you manage your emails?

Role-specific questions

  • How efficiently can you use a CRM software?
  • How do you evaluate employee’s performance? Name any tools you have used.
  • How do you keep your team motivated to do their best?
  • What metrics will you use to create a monthly report of your team’s results?

Behavioral questions

  • Recall the time when you worked on a challenging project. What role did you play and how you have resolved the hurdles?
  • How do you meet your targets?
  • Describe a time when you failed to meet a goal and how did you handle you?
  • How skillful are you in achieving revenue targets? What strategies have you used so far?

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