Interaction Designer Interview Questions


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Interaction Designers are ‘Design Thinkers’ who create quality experiences across all websites and mobile applications for consumers/users. Udacity describes Interaction Design as one of the hottest career choices in the United States 

Onboard that ‘perfect’ candidate for this creative position with our curated Interaction Designer Interview Questions. Take a look.

Job-specific Questions for Interaction Designer

  1. What is the secret to achieving user-friendly usability on all devices?
  2. Do you think marketing pop-ups are relevant today? Do they help in user interaction?
  3. What is the role of Typography in accessing information?
  4. How important is contrast in interactive design?
  5. Are there any steps that you consider to avoid users getting bored with your design?
  6. How do you incorporate the Hierarchy of Control in your designs?
  7. What does the Gestalt principle of visual perception say?
  8. How do you incorporate empathetic design in your work?
  9. Walk us through the good forms design guidelines
  10. What are some of the facets of faceted search?

How can Glider AI help you with Hiring an Interaction Designer?

Glider’s recruitment platform is built on the mission, of “competency over credentials”. This way, you can make the most of the hiring assessments through a structured and data-driven candidate-evaluation process. 

Glider AI’s Unique Features

  • Conversational Chatbot for Talent Screening
  • Interactive, coding-enabled skill tests
  • Powerful candidate analytics 

Discover Hiring Resources for Interaction Designers

  • Hiring an Interaction Designer
  • Interaction Designer Job Description
  • Interaction Designer Skills Test
  • How to hire an Interaction Designer

Access 2,000 pre-built assessments covering over 500 skills with 250,000 questions, all validated by 2,000 SMEs including this for the Interaction Designer role.

Go ahead and spotlight your Interaction Designers with Glider AI today!  

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